
Mr. JO Tecbond – CLR20

1,125.0021,375.00 Inclusive of all taxes

Two components clear thick 100 PHR epoxy adhesive with 20 minutes potlife

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Two component thick non-porous solvent free clear epoxy adhesive designed for application demanding good clarity.

  • Color :- Clear
  • Pot life :- @25'C 15-25 mins
  • Mixing Ratio :- 100:100 PBW
  • Mixture consistency :- Clear think flowable liquid
  • Optics :- Transprent
  • Glass bonding
  •  Engineering application
  •  Handicraft
Surface Preparation
  • The mixture should be applied on a clean, rough and dry surface. This should be achieved by suitable mechanical and chemical means such as sandblasting Wire brushing or chemical etching. Suitable degreasing agent should be used to remove any grease, or oil traces on the surface.
Application Method
  • Use Part A & Part B in ratio 100:100 pbw. Mix the two components in small batches thoroughly for at least 2minutes. Apply the mix directly or using proper spatula to the pretreated surfaces.
  • The joint components should be assembled as soon as the adhesive has been applied.
  • Allow the material to cure for at least 24 hours before putting to use.

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